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Vol. 36 Pasadena Junior College, September 29, 1944 No. 4
Bulldogs Meet Engineers
Tonight In Opening Tilt
With weeks of scrimmage behind them, the Varsity squad
will demonstrate their athletic prowess tonight in the Pas¬
adena Rose Bowl when they vie witli the Thousand and
Fifth Division of the Army Engineers (Pomona Ordnance)
in the first game of this year’s season.
Spirited rooters for Pasadena Junior College will urge the
■ - Bulldogs to victory with chief
Elections Call
Student Leaders
With next Friday, October 6,
set for the primary election, the
elegibility cards for minor class
officers were turned into the
Dean of Men and the Dean of
Women last Tuesday. The cards,
signed by each of the student’s
teachers, are considered a fairly
accurate means of validating the
scholarship and leadership abil¬
ities of the prospective nominees.
Those running for Freshmen
offices are: vice-president, Henry
Haynes, David Rose, Don Win-
chell, Edward Morris, Richard
Lozano, Ted Sockman, Ray
Sparks; treasurer, Tom Van Dyke
and Shirley Gran; secretary,
Edith Oldham. Running for Soph¬
omore offices are: vice-president,
Barbara Male, Ray Vorce; secre¬
tary, Marjorie Brill. Junior
hopefuls are: vice-president, John
Gordon; secretary, Betty Gavert;
treasurer, Mary Avery, and Rob¬
ert Davis. Only seniors to apply
were Margaret DuShane and Jane
Kroneberger for the office of
vice-president. Those applying
for the office of AWS represen¬
tative were: from the sophomore
class, Mayrene Gorton, Margaret
Gerke, and Charlotte Agnew; and
from the Freshman class, Eve
Wednesday, a compulsory meet¬
ing was held for all candidates in
200C. Helen Erb, elections com¬
missioner, and faculty member
Dr. William B. Langsdorf were in
charge of the meeting-, the pur¬
pose of which was to acquaint the
candidates with the school publi¬
city rules.
Miss Erb, newly appointed elec¬
tions head, has as fellow commit¬
tee members, Hans Morkisch,
Shirley Sault, and Eve Borshook.
One goal of the committee is
to improve the low percentage of
student body vote. The aim is to
better the forty per cent vote
cast last year.
The students this semester are
urged to help better this per¬
centage in both the primary
election and the October 13th
morale builders Virginia Goble,
Glendora Cline and Lois Jackson,
newly elected pom-pom girls, lead
ing them in the various football
and school songs. Leading the
yells will be this year’s Yell Kings
Bill Penny and Stewart Hudson.
An unanticipated turn-out for
pom-pom girl try-outs made this
years selection of Bull-etts an ex¬
ceedingly difficult one. In addit¬
ion to Pep Commissioner Jack
Macy, the judging committee in¬
cluded Margaret Lauderdale, Jane
Kroneberger, Jim McAdams, Vic
Asadourian, and Bill Sanborn.
(Although the decision was not
easily reached, Anal selections
were the result of a unanimous
vote by the committee.)
In a special pep assembly be¬
ing held today, newly chosen
Bull-etts and Yell Kings will lead
PJC’s audience in the school
songs and yells in preparation
for tonights game.
‘ Huddle ’ Makes
Debut Tonight
On sale tonight in the Rose
Bowl when PJC’s Bulldogs open
their football campaign by enter¬
taining the 1005th Engineers, will
be “The Huddle,” a twelve page
football program. Edited by the
veteran journalist and sports
writer Art Lubic, “The Huddle”
will make its first appearance in
magazine form tonight since Noel
Young performed the job during
the 1941 season.
Main features of the magazine
are a complete roster- of both
competeing squads, with starting
lineups, and feature stories on
both outfits including a pageful
of varsity pictures. An exclusive
interview with head coach Newt
Stark, a page of school songs and
yells, and other interesting “in¬
side dope” round out the maga¬
zine’s content.
Osti uians will handle sales
this evening in the Bowl. During
the two intervening years since
the last “The Huddle” rolled off
the presses a throw-away sheet
with line-ups was used. This
"year PJC’s activity-conscious stu¬
dent body has gone one step
further in bringing back pre-war
campus traditions.
Charles Tamayo
. . . Left Guard
Year s First
Rally Today
This mornings pep assembly
will highlight the 100-piece Bull¬
dog Band, the new song leaders,
and the yell kings.
Introduced by Pep Commis¬
sioner, Jack Macy, the pom-pom
girls, the cheer leaders, and the
band will aid the students to
thoroughly learn PJC’s songs and
yells for tonight’s football game.
Newt Stark, head coach at PJC,
will introduce the football players
to the audience and assign each
his number for the coming
The Bulldog Band is to present
several novelties besides its reg¬
ular numbers. First among the
entertainers will be Nadine
Knauss, who will mimic Beatrice
Kay, aided and abetted by the
male quartet which consists of
Wally Turner, Lloyd Pratt, John
Davis, and John Treble. An
ac-cordian trio will be featured
with Nadine Ostlund, Patty Lou
Me Comas, and Jack Ward as
instrumentalists, Paul Kauffman
is to give a novelty marimba
number followed by Gil Lindsay,
who is to head a special swing
ASB Board
OKs Emerson
. . . Quarter
Jack Riesau
. . . Left Half
ASB President San Soghomon-
ian called the Student Board to
order yesterday morning for the
weekly meeting.
The board’s approval was need¬
ed on Rosemary Soghomonian’s
choice for foreman of the Grand
Jury — Ralph Emerson. The
board unanimously approved him.
Hope Schlinger .was asked for
and was allowed expense money
for notification supplies. The pep
commission requested more
more money for sweaters and
Red and White Day, but due to
the lack of faculty endorsement,
the requisition was tabled until
the next meeting.
When Norman Peek requested
that $300.00 be added to the SCA
Advisory Board fund, the request
was unanimously approved by the
The football schedule as pre¬
sented to the board by the ath¬
letic board was discussed and
The special finance committee
that was appointed last week re¬
signed in order that the Board of
Representatives might take over
the job. New finance committee
to work with Secretary of Fi¬
nance Bob Aston are Jack Davis,
Ruth Risser and Doris Tucker.
Norman Peek then moved that
the board go on record as being
willing to welcome any and all
American Citizens of Japanese
ancestry to Pasadena Junior Col¬
lege if sent here by the U. S.
Government. The Board decided
to reserve judgement in the
the matter.
Don Waddell
■ . . Right Tackle
Elmer Holman
. . . Fullback
Bob Sanders
. . . Quarter
Bill O’Sullivan
. . . Center
Tom Presley
. . . Back
Bob Hawks
. . . Right Half
Bill Schwartz
. . . Left End
Maurice Gibbs
. . Right Guard