Pete Caputo
Bob Grant
Cecile Levich
Jo Osman
Sue Thistlewlute
PCC CoutiieSi
Pete Molnar
Ruth Hemming:
Ralph Sanchez
Tom Shea
Kathy Kirkman
VOL. 7, N0.15
JANUARY 22, 1958
OMD Recognizes Fourteen
in Final Tapping Ceremony
Mary Ellen DeChanso
Closely Contested
Voting Results in
Ayres' Re-election
In one of the closest contested
elections that PCC’s ballot boxes
can recall, ASB President Chuck
Ayres was re-elected to a second
term as the Lancer student body
president. The election also boasts
the highest number of voters in
past years as an estimated 1035
Lancers turned out to select their
The near-tie vote resulted in a
recount before Ayres was pro¬
claimed the victor.
Bob Grant will aid Ayres in the
vice-presidential spot for next se¬
mester. AMS and AWS presi¬
dential posts were won by Don
Fork and Cecile Levich.
The two class presidencies will
be undertaken by Doug Stone as
sophomore president and Larry
Stump as freshman president.
Six representatives at large round
out the student government board
for next semester and the newly
elected reps are Janet Lett, Paul
Strobel, Jeanne Anderson, Don
Moore, Jim Gilbert and Bill
The present student body of¬
ficers and the newly appointed
ones will be honored at the ASB
banquet, Monday evening, Feb. 3.
The banquet is under the plan¬
ning of Vice-president Larry
Elections commissioner Jeanne
Hutchison expressed her gratifica¬
tion to the largest number of
voters PCC has ever had and also
congratulated her poll workers
and ballot counters who compiled
the election results.
Pasadena City College’s highest honorary fraternity, Omicron Mu Delta, will hold its tra¬
ditional tapping assembly in Sexson Auditorium tomorrow morning. Twelve studdhts, one
faculty member and a secretary will be honored in the ceremony, which is the highest point
in each semester. Based on school service and scholarship, the following persons were se¬
lected to receive the highest honor _ _ _
a grateful college can bestow:
Pete Caputo
AMS president, assembly com¬
missioner, AMS Board, Circle
member, member of Freshman
and Sophomore Councils.
Bob Grant
AMS president, rep at large,
Men’s Council, Circle
ident, Phi Rho Pi vice-president.
Jo Greene
Adelphian president, Spartans,
Beta Phi Gamma, Courier photo
Ruth Hemming
Women’s Letter Club president,
Spartan vice-president, president
of English Council, Courier city
editor, WAA basketball captain.
Mary Lou Johnson
Rep at large, Beta Phi Gamma
vice-president, Spartans, manag¬
ing editor of the Courier, photo
editor of the Courier.
Kathy Kirkman
Caduceus Club, Alpha Gamma
Sigma officer, Spartans, Life Sci-
-ence Council, Foreign Language
Cecile Levich
ASB Board recording secretary,
ASB corresponding secretary,
Spartans, JDR secretary, Adelphi-
Pete Molnar
Pageant sports editor, Circle
treasurer, president of Interna¬
tional Relations Club, Alpha Gam¬
ma Sigma, delegate to Model UN.
Jo Osman
Courier editor, Harbeson Award
winner, Spartan corresponding
secretary, Alpha Gamma Sigma,
English Council.
Ralph Sanchez
Beta Phi Gamma treasurer,
sergeant-at-arms, presi¬
dent of Photons, AMS Board,
Courier staff.
Tom Shea
Chairman of Men’s Council,
Blood Drive chairman,
membership director,
Lancer Club, AMS Board.
Sue Thistlewhite
AWS president, Spartans, ASB
recording secretary, Freshman
Class treasurer, AWS Fashion
Mary Ellen DeChanso
Secretary to Dr. Catherine Rob¬
bins, administrative dean, has
contributed countless hours of
valuable assistance in connection
with the Tournament of Roses
Queen Selection Committee, Rose
Bowl Commencement, and numer¬
ous student activities.
Robert Trevor
Adviser for Freshman and
Sophomore Classes and countless
hours beyond the call of duty
helping with numerous student
Graduates Attend
Traditional Fete
Climaxing their first semester
of activity under the leadership
of President Bob Flowers, the
Sophomore Council held their
semi-annual banquet at the Hick¬
ory Hill restaurant in San Gabriel
last night. Between 20 and 25
of the council’s members attend¬
ed the end-of-semester event
which commenced at 7 p.m.
Following the dinner, the out¬
going president, Bob Flowers, in¬
troduced the newly elected Sopho¬
more Class president, Doug Stone.
Vice-president Pete Troxell pre¬
sented a gavel to Flowers for his
service to the class of ’58.
Dinner was served buffet style
by the restaurant where patrons
are allowed to take “all they can
eat.” Several entrees, 12 salads,
and numerous desserts were avail¬
able to the diners.
Robert Trevor
Jo Greene
Afumni Association
Extends Invitation
An invitation to attend the next
meeting of Pasadena City Col¬
lege’s alumni organization has
been extended all February grad¬
uates of this campus. According
to Alumni Association president,
Ron Yielding, the next meeting is
scheduled for Wednesday eve¬
ning, Feb. 5, at the Pasadena Elks
New and old members alike will
be welcomed by the organization’s
board which consists of President
Yielding, Vice-president Chuck
Phifer, Secretary Bobbe Noroian,
and Treasurer Tom Smith.
Plans are being made to change
the constitution at this meeting.
In addition, activities for the com¬
ing months will be laid out to ac¬
quaint the new graduates with
the organization.
The alumni board was recently
reorganized with Yielding at its
head. He especially urged all
prospective alumni to consider
joining the club as soon as pos¬
Clean Campus Committee Campaigns
for Clean Up Day Against Litterbugs
Campaigning for a cleaner campus, the Lancer College 100 is
sponsoring Clean Up week this week, and more specifically, College
Clean Up Day today. The event began at 7:30 this morning with a
pep rally in the Prairie. Pasadena's mayor, Seth Miller, honored the
festivities with his presence, to officially kickoff Clean Up Day.
A Clean Up Queen was announced and crowned at this morning’s
rally to officially reign over litterbug week. In addition, a surprise
skit was put on by members of the College 100 and a pep band added
music to the activity.
College 100 members have spent the past few days arranging
backdrops and hoops for the campus waste cans. Their plan is to
encourage students to pick up their litter and deposit in the proper
disposal places. To further urge their doing this, three prizes will
be given to students “caught” picking up litter. A spotting committee
has been on the lookout for clean campus keepers this past week.
Signs have been displayed during this week to publicize and
emphasize the importance of cleanliness on campus. Students are
urged to use their plastic litter bags at this time to help the College
100 continue their litterbug campaign.