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Pasadena City College
Volume 97, Issue 14
“The Independent Student Voice of PCC, Serving Pasadena Since 1915.”
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Arts & Entertainment
Files Suit Against
Independent PCCFA
Chooses to
Save Rebate
Students, Faculty Put Tax Refund
in the Bank Instead of Spending
Jasmine Lu
Contributing Writer
The majority of the diverse members of the
PCC community have decided to save their tax
rebate checks rather than spend them.
Students, staff and faculty alike do not believe
in hastily spending the highly anticipated "free
money" which the government began distribut¬
ing on April 28.
Last month, President Bush said that the
effects of the stimulus would reach millions of
households across America.
Single taxpayers will get up to $600 and cou¬
ples may get up to $1,200, plus $300 per
dependent child.
The New York Times reported on June 1 that
a survey conducted by the International Council
of Shopping Centers discovered that 5 1 percent
of respondents in mid-May planned to spend
rebate checks to pay off debts.
Student James Snell, 32, accounting, said he is
going to save his money. "As an aspiring
accountant, I don't believe in frivolous spending.
Some people are going to go out and buy rims
for their car, but is that a smart thing to do? I
don't think so," Snell said.
Student Rai Luong, 25, undecided, agrees. "I
am not behind on my bills and I don't drive, so I
am going to save it for when I may really need it
one day. Sometimes when you least expect it,
you will need money that you may not have,"
said Luong.
While most of the PCC community are going
to save their money, that's not to say they would¬
n't rather spend it on personal lavishes.
Bryan Wilbur, instructor of Geology Sciences,
is going to be sensible and save his rebate check
for a rainy day. "I wanted to buy a Fender Tele¬
caster but saving it is more responsible, he said.
Healthy Foods:
Campus should offer
more nutritious
choices. Page 5
Wounds on the Field:
How PCC’s coaches
deal with sports
injuries. Page 8
Rodrigo Mejia
Asst. Flipside Editor
The California Teachers Association
has filed
a breach of contract suit against PCC’s Faculty Associ¬
ation (an independent union) and claims it is owed
more than $650,000. The suit was filed on May 12.
The suit, according to newly appointed F.A. Presi¬
dent Roger Marheine, is unprecedented. “They are
using teacher earned money from their constituent base
to sue other teachers for trying get out of the
said Marheine.
The problem that the
wants to address is the
memberships and other unpaid dues that they cite the
PCC faculty owes them.
Each member belonging to the
must submit
monthly dues and the college itself must monitor and
track faculty accountability to those fees.
says that they are owed money from
those fees, but every month they cashed the check we
sent and never did they complain about the amount,”
said Marheine.
“In matters of fiduciary responsibility (financial
accountability), it’s the job of the
to address any
discrepancies and assume control of those finances, if
there are significant instances of malpractice,” said
Marheine regarding the right and duty of the
ensure that no academic institution disrupts payments
to the umbrella union that covers over 300,000 certified
employees of California public schools.
“They had over two years (from spring 05’ to spring
07’) to take over receivership but they didn’t,” said
PCC: 45 Years Ago...
A semi-formal prom was held
on June 13 for freshman and
sophomores. The theme of the
night was “Mystic Lagoon”
and was held at the Hunting-
ton-Sheraton poolside gardens.
The pool area was decorated
like a southern lagoon with
candlelight and table decora¬
tions. An orchestra was the fea¬
tured music and tickets to bring
a guest was $3.
Opera Workshop Showcase
a Two-in-One Performance
Elaine Hu
Performing as the queen of Carthage, Briana Blythe sings in the opera 'Dido
and Aeneas' on Sunday at the Sexson Auditorium. Page 9