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Pasadena Oity College
i Volume 100, Issue 7
" The Independent Student Voice of
Serving Pasadena Since 1915.'
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Woman attacked on campus
Justin Clay
Asst. News Editor
A female student was assaulted
Tuesday night on Tennis Hill Drive
between 8:40 and 8:50 p.m.
According to PCC Chief of
Police Peter Michael, the woman
was walking down Tennis Hill
Drive when she thought she heard
footsteps from behind her. When
she turned around she saw a man
she described as about 5 feet 6
inches, between 160 and 200
pounds and wearing a hooded
sweatshirt, police said.
The woman described the
attacker as having a dark complex¬
ion with a goatee and with his
hood on. The man allegedly
grabbed the woman and pushed
her against a wall. While holding
the victim, the attacker pulled out
a box cutter, which he held to her
neck and told her not to yell, police
The man ran his hand down her
side onto her buttocks. The
woman then pushed the man
away at which point a struggle
ensued, said police.
During the struggle, the
woman's face hit the concrete wall
and she sustained a scrape on her
cheek, said police. Also during the
struggle, the man cut the woman
with the box cutter on the left side
of her chest, between the chest and
shoulder area.
The woman managed to free
herself and ran eastbound towards
the center of campus. Campus
police were contacted and a report
of the incident was taken.
"We will contact the Pasadena
Police Department to see if they
have similar incidents or descrip¬
tions of suspects. And we will also
notify the surrounding campuses
to see if they have had similar inci¬
dents," said Chief Michael.
President Lisa Sugimoto sent a
campus-wide email asking every¬
one to exercise great caution on the
"Campus Police are increasing
their level of vigilance.
Additionally, to the extent that we
look out for each other, we can do
Continued on page 2
Brian Warouw/Courier
PCC Librarian Dona J. Mitoma at the reference desk explains how the text reference works.
Library offers new
texting service
Roy Lenn
Staff Writer
The Shatford Library has expanded its
live chat online reference service and has
introduced a program that allows librar¬
ians to answer students' reference ques¬
tions by text message.
Students now can use their mobile
phones to send and receive answers to
reference questions from PCC librarians.
The library staff has also increased its
monitoring of the
online chat serv¬
ice for reference and research.
"It is a huge advantage for those who
study late at night or during hours we
are not open," said Mary Ann Laun, dean
of library services.
The "Text A PCC Librarian" service
began this semester. To use the service,
students text a question prefaced with
"PCCLIB" to the mobile number 66746.
For instance, to find out when the library
is open on Saturday, one would text:
"PCCLIB What are the library hours on
According to adjunct librarian Patty
Johnson, the texting service is good for
getting quick responses to questions.
Examples of text inquiries she's received
have been to request a play, ask when the
library is open, and find out to which
databases the library subscribes.
chat service, accessible by
clicking the "Ask a librarian" link on the
Shatford Library homepage, is better for
more involved responses, according to
"If you want to have a conversation
and get a meaningful response, it's good
to chat," she said. Many students use the
live chat service to get help with scholar¬
ly research or to find out how to cite
papers in ML A format. Johnson esti¬
mates that the library receives "a few
dozen" chat requests per day.
Shatford Library began offering the
chat service in 2007, joining a collec¬
tive network monitored by PCC librari¬
ans as well as academic and public
library staff outside of the college. PCC
staff workers oversee the service for
eight hours a week, while outside institu¬
tions cover it the rest of the time.
While that service is still available,
Continued on page 2
AS debates
gay marriage
Previous approval of proposal for
Social Equality event rescinded
Catherine Sum
And Kerry Maines
Staff Writers
The Associated Students Executive Board voted
Wednesday to rescind its approval of a Social Equality
for Marriage Awareness Day. Following this, AS had
a heated debate about its stand on gay marriage.
Nolan Pack, head of the sustainability committee,
presented a proposal for the event at the meeting held
on Oct. 7, during which it was approved.
The original document proposed that both the
Cultural Diversity Committee and the Sustainability
Committee host the event in November, but AS has
Wednesday voted to hand jurisdiction of the event
solely to the Cultural Diversity Committee.
Natalja Karniouch-
Do you
support gay
ina, vice president of
the cultural diversity
committee, was told to
write up a schedule and
budget for the event, to
be presented at a later
Pack strongly
advised AS to allow the
Committee to co-sponsor the event along with the
Cultural Diversity Committee.
"All leading scholars agree that sustainability is not
just an environmental issue," he said. "It is also intri¬
cately tied to economic issues and issues of social jus¬
There was much discussion among the board about
possible implications if such an event were to be host¬
ed by AS. It was clarified toward the end of the meet¬
ing that the purpose of Marriage Awareness day was
not to advocate gay marriage, but rather to document
the history of marriage through historical events in
the U.S.
"It's not a bad idea," student Trustee Brian Abadia
said in an interview, "but it should be dealt with
through the Cultural Diversity Committee, not the
entire AS body. Associated Students in no way wants
Continued on page 2
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